frithembleersblog in living color!
HELLO FR1THEMBLEERSBGOG TEAM!!!!!!11~~~~~~ OLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!11~~~~ LOLOLOOLOLOLOLOOL.. IT"S TEH DEUCE HERE WITH AN IMPROTSNT SANNOUNC3/\/\ENT!!!!!!!!!! starting \ow, frithembleer wikl p0st in Blue, iiw ill post in red a\d all of u otehr gfritehmbleersb7og team Members who werre recruited fr0m phog!!!!!!!!!!!! net will ajve teh honro o fpostingi n beautiful, glorious greeen i nohn0r Of the color 0f my kiX0rasss double-edged 71ghtsabe -- just liek darth /\/\aul ahd ni staR wars only mine sig ren!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~ loolololololo~~~ the deuce
What flavor is that DeRon the chubby boy?
HEY 'BLEER, I WAS WATCHIN" ETH ARIZONA/IL1NOYIG WAR3Z ANDF TOWRADZ TREHEND ETH XAMERA SHWOED THHaT DARON TEH CHUBBY BOY'Z MAMA 1N TEH STYANDS AND GU3SS WHAT!?!?!?!??!??? shes a white lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ hmmm come tomy ftp ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ I ALWQAYZ WONd3RED WHAT FLAVRO TAHT DeRON THE CUHBBY B0Y WAZ!?!?!??!?!? whatch athinkj?!?!?!??!? I will haX0R~~~ !!!!!!!~~~~~ ?????????????????? - teh deuce
HEY 'Bleer!!! Guess what I did?!?!!!
I USED MY AWESOME BO/\/\B DiGGITY COMOPUTARS KILLZ tO GET US ATRIX0RED-OUT bLOG~~~ i got us a totalkly sawesome hit-countar to k3ep tr4X0r of al7 thh3 visItors to outr amazing blog teh blog of th3 frithemlbearz!!!!!!!!!111~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~ and im w0rki|\|" on gettin' us some advertisements, too, so wd can start making m4d crzay doll4rs, play3r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~~ olololololololol!!!!!!!1~~~~ yeaH~~~~ - teh duce
The task at hand: un-Becoming
ok, "blear, i htink enouugh tiem h4s passed sinc3 ypou beC4me a disillusionedfishburegR that we cann ow begin the priocess of explori\g ho\\\\////\\\\//// you can un-beCom3!!!!!!!!11~~~~~ WOU7 IT HELPY OU IF I GOT MySELF A IGHTSABER??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????? lolololoolololl~ itz just 4 ThOught, but 1t hink at kl34st one Of the fritehmblears shuld ahve a lightsber~~ it just SeeMs rigfht, u kno\\\\////\\\\////???????????????
- teh duece
Hello frithembleersblog readers.
h ifritehmbleasrblog read3rs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~ th1s si ritehmbleer2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~ uyou c4n a7so callk me th3 deuce' (clever, hu!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!? )h. im a wannabe bomb diggity scourge, but maybe someday i can become a dull-fleded bomb diggit scourge i nmY oWn r1ght~~~ but 1 dIgrewss !!!!!!! to sum up tthsi introdsuict10n, i'd liek to thank fRithemblear frO i\vioting me to jon his most excellenta nd amUsing blpog my role heRewill primari7y be to asrve Ad fr1trHemb7eer's soundnig board for iddeas t eh f1rst ordar of busniess will be teh two of uz trying to figur eout if a wannabe bOmb diggity scouirge can help 4f 0rmarly bomb diggity csoutg3 w0 became adisenchsnted fishburgazr t0 un-become, Idf thhat 1 seven possible!!!!!!~~ AND MQAYEB, jUST MAYB3 \/\/3LL AHVE A LITTEL FUN AL0NG TH3 WAY~~~~~~~ fRitehMbleerz r al about thef un.. w37l, tHats all fofr now!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~ - the deuce