hey 'bleer, check out pomeroy!
hey, "bleer,, ch3X0rout ken;pom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ olololololollo~~~~~~~ he says on Hsi blopg thAt he"z goinfg to start using other blogs fior 1fromatI0n next season!!!!!!!!!!!1~~ ololl~~~~~~ MAYBE H3"KLL EVEN VISIT FRItEHMBLEATRSBLOg, AnD US3 SOME OF OUR BOMB DIGGITY INFROAMTON AS A SOURCE!?!?!??!?!? becauz you r lame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ ololololololo!!!!!!!!!!11 !!!!!!!!!!!!!11~ LOLLOLOLLOLO.... ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????? OOLOLOLOLLOLO that woUld tota7ly RoXOr, beacuz we frithemb7eerd kiX0r asre OLOLOL~~~~~~ Ie w1ll hcak u iT mihg teven helpy ou un-bceome a disillusinEd fishburger!!!!!!!!111 amyway, i hope tHis will encouraGe tteh moghty kenpom to visirt FritehmblearsblOg and Bleds u ith insight on how he thinks ku will do next yura - the deuce
The exciting thing is what happens next year. More than what teams and players emerge as interesting stories, I am anxious to discover new sources of information you can't get anywhere else. And for the most part, those sources will be blogs.
... That's the thing about blogs. They have much more potential to push boundaries and throw out ideas that may or may not be total crap. There's a fair amount of crap out there and there was plenty of crap on this site. But it's reassuring to know there was some useful stuff here and elsewhere in blog-land that folks found interesting enough to share with a wider audience.
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