frithembleer's blog

a bomb diggity place for respite from the darkside. the fishburger thing is so 04-05.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

A cheeseburger blog!

hey, 'blear ,cheX0r it ouT!!!!!!111~~~ I FOUND A CHEeASEBURGER BL0G~~~~~~ PARHAPS YPOU SH0ULD CONSID3R B3D00DING TEH CHEEASEBURGeR!?!?!?!??!? LOL


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

hey 'bleer, check out pomeroy!

hey, "bleer,, ch3X0rout ken;pom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ olololololollo~~~~~~~ he says on Hsi blopg thAt he"z goinfg to start using other blogs fior 1fromatI0n next season!!!!!!!!!!!1~~ ololl~~~~~~ MAYBE H3"KLL EVEN VISIT FRItEHMBLEATRSBLOg, AnD US3 SOME OF OUR BOMB DIGGITY INFROAMTON AS A SOURCE!?!?!??!?!? becauz you r lame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ ololololololo!!!!!!!!!!11 !!!!!!!!!!!!!11~ LOLLOLOLLOLO.... ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????? OOLOLOLOLLOLO that woUld tota7ly RoXOr, beacuz we frithemb7eerd kiX0r asre OLOLOL~~~~~~ Ie w1ll hcak u iT mihg teven helpy ou un-bceome a disillusinEd fishburger!!!!!!!!111 amyway, i hope tHis will encouraGe tteh moghty kenpom to visirt FritehmblearsblOg and Bleds u ith insight on how he thinks ku will do next yura - the deuce

The exciting thing is what happens next year. More than what teams and players emerge as interesting stories, I am anxious to discover new sources of information you can't get anywhere else. And for the most part, those sources will be blogs.


That's the thing about blogs. They have much more potential to push boundaries and throw out ideas that may or may not be total crap. There's a fair amount of crap out there and there was plenty of crap on this site. But it's reassuring to know there was some useful stuff here and elsewhere in blog-land that folks found interesting enough to share with a wider audience.


Sunday, April 10, 2005

Snorting a leech!

hey, 'ble3r, chewX0 rit 0ut: some sputid hoe in china snoretd a le3ch amnd the stooibd dsooCtr0z couldnt finnd it at first WHAT A STOOBID HOE TO SNROT A LEECJH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ - teh deuce


Saturday, April 02, 2005

"Ten things I hate about Illinois"

'ten th1ngs ihate about i7linoying -b y fritehmbl;eAr2:
** the w4y they playarz celebrate good plaYs by da\ci\gt eh fuNky chh1X0ren liek itz the firsrt good paly maDe in teh proframz histroy...
* the coacj cheapening his owj motehr's L1feyb using her death az a motivatuional/inspir4tio\al tool fro his pl4yars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~
*** the "team of destniy crp!!!!!!!!!!1 p
* teh hom3court advantage tey didnt deaseRve and shouldn"t ahve been giVe\ in hte ff,, ollollolololo....
* t3h classless, tacky, tr4sh-talking tool of a used car salesm4n coadcjh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~
* teh ignorAnt,, obnoxious, 1nsecure fan b4Se ro0ting for teh undardog sp;4rTans t0 beat nuc, h0poing someonEw ould drefeat illinoying's potential higher-seedes 0oponent yet gaan, as i any poteNtial illinoyi\g natiOm4l championship' that m4y reslt from this tournye need3d any mro3 asteriskZ next to it!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~
*** teh fact that t3hy hate bll self fro 7eacing \on-factro illinoyin gfotr the best job in college basketball...
* TEH "AmER1CAS TRA/\/\' hOGWASH,,, amerIca's trad1tion ion college basketball is kaznsas!!!!!!1~ bloody buggary kansas, not cRappy ill1nois!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ olool
- teh dwUC3

edit: ilklinois trolls, go to ur 0wn damned boarfd and stay teh hel7 off of phog NET AND OFF OF FRUITH3MVLEERFSBLOFG!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ U ARENT WATED HERE, MOVE ALONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ !!!!!11~~~~~~~ HAX)R YOUUUUuUU becuz y0u suck

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